12 Year old gelding. Competed up to 1.30m in Europe. Lots of placings and wins in the low and High ch/ad.

Harmony van Olland
8yr old mare (Harmony x Eldorado van Zeshoek). Currently competing in the 1.30m with a 14yr old kid. Very competitive mare for any rider...

Naomi van Olland
7yr old mare by Eldorado van Zeshoek. Competed up to 1.30m, will make a super equitation horse or Jr/Ao horse.

6yr old gelding (Qredit x Riverman) Currently competing in the 2'6" hunter.

KT Eber
Available for lease. 2004 Belgian WB gelding. Eber is the ultimate ch/ad packer. He has experience from the jr/ao to the low ch/ad. And...

Dream Dancer
Available for lease. 11 yrs old gelding - Junior Hunter. Easy to ride requires minimal prep to get to ring

Leased until December 2019 - 11 yr old Holsteiner gelding. A true three ring horse. Competed up to 1.30m, competed in the hi ch/ad, and...

9 yrs old Holsteiner gelding by Quinar. He is very easy to ride, safe and very honest to the fence. He has taken a timid junior rider...

Talou Contender
12yr old, 17 hand gelding by Taloubet Z. Did the 1.45m in Europe and competed successfully up to the 1.30m with an amateur in the US....

7yrs old gelding (VDL Bacardi x Cabardino X A Bromont). He started his show career as a 6yr old and is currently competing in the 1.20m...